

Efficient Engineering



The Digital Paper Factory Efficiently Engineered Part 1

By Madeleine Neisler

The lifecycle of an engineering design does not simply and solely occur within the space of a single person’s scope of work, rather it is an essential part of both the Product Lifecycle and downstream Supply Chain processes. Throughout the entire process – from inception to production, distribution and consumption – designs generate data including documents and the information they contain which are key elements to manufacturing organizations.

Continue reading “The Digital Paper Factory Efficiently Engineered Part 1”

The Art of Writing Methods

By Douglas Golomb

Many companies either do not have any published written methods, or have them but they are very difficult to follow. It can be an extensive amount of work up front to write them, but there is a huge payback in results. A method should be the first layer of support to the end users. They need to be mandatory prior to opening a helpdesk ticket for a solution. If the user ignores published methods; it is the responsibility of the support person to send them a link to the proper instructions. In time this will eventually become a habit by the end user to go directly to the published methods. Continue reading “The Art of Writing Methods”

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